Iowa Trails Council Grant Program
A Brief History of the Iowa Trails Council
The Iowa Trails Council (ITC) was organized in 1983 for the purpose of providing assistance in the acquisition of abandoned railroad right-of-ways in Iowa. The ITC was instrumental in the conversions of rail beds in Iowa to user-friendly trails having eight of the first eleven of these conversions in the country. Today, 38 years later, the ITC's focus is granting money to innovative projects focusing on trail usage and maintenance for the benefit of the communities and residents who will use these trails to move from one place to another, for exercise, and to simply enjoy nature.
Program Overview
The Iowa Trails Council Grant Program requires that the projects be primarily recreation-rather than transportation-oriented, with priority given to projects creating or facilitating physical on-the-ground/water trail improvements, which protect or enhance a site's natural and cultural resources while linking individuals and communities to these resources.
Minimum/Maximum Grant Levels
Individual grant requests should range between $500 -$2,000. A maximum of $10,000. will be distributed per year.
Suggested Projects:
This list is intended to inspire your creativity, not to limit your options.
* Construction of new walking, biking, water trails
* Acquisition of land or easements to protect critical sections of priority trails (such as state-wide long distance trails)
* Enhancement, stewardship and maintenance of existing trails (this could include bridge construction, drainage work, seeding, trail hardening, trail grooming, etc.)
* Development of trailside and trailhead facilities (such as signage, kiosks, maps, gates, and interpretive displays)
* Trail stewardship aimed at educating users, minimizing impacts on natural and cultural resources, and resolving conflicts
* Projects that demonstrate creative approaches to trail construction, partnerships, resource protection, and stewardship
* Provision of features that facilitate trail access and use by persons with disabilities
Project Selection Criteria
The Iowa Trails Council's Board of Directors will use the following criteria to assess a grant application for an award.
Does this application:
* Clearly demonstrate the need for the project, such as satisfying a recreational demand, connecting underserved communities, or solving a significant trails issue
* Describe a realistic, tangible trail project that can be accomplished in the time given and have a realistic and appropriate budget
* Project must be an Iowa based project and be located within Iowa borders. Eligible applicants must be a 501c(3) designated organization or a government entity.
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